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Гордей Абрамов
Oct 21, 2022
In Questions & Answers
Группа 4 2022/2023Кубок ФНЛ 2020Россия. Молодежное первенство 2022/2023Россия. Премьер-Лига Крыма 2021/2022Кубок Матч Премьер 2022Румыния. Лига 1 2022/2023Румыния. Лига 2 2022/2023Саудовская Аравия. Премьер-Лига 2022/2023Саудовская Аравия. Первый дивизион 2022/2023Сербия. Суперлига 2022/2023Словакия. Первая лига 2022/2023Словения. Вторая лига 2022/2023США. МЛС 2022США. ЮСЛ 2022Таджикистан. Высшая Лига 2022Турция. Супер-Лига 2022/2023Турция. Первая лига 2022/2023Турция. Кубок Турции 2021/2022Украина. Кубок Украины 2021/2022Уругвай. Чемпионат Италии. Ювентус - Эмполи© 2022 «ООО «Национальный спортивный телеканал» Средство массовой информации сетевое издание «www. matchtv. ru» зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор). Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 72390 от 28. 02. 2018. Название — www. ru. Учредитель (соучредители) СМИ сетевого издания «www. ru»: ООО «Национальный спортивный телеканал», главный редактор СМИ сетевого издания «www. ru»: Слюсаренко Е. Первый дивизион 2022Испания. Сегунда 2022/2023Италия. Серия B 2022/2023Катар. Старс-Лига 2022/2023Кипр. Первый дивизион 2022/2023Китай. Суперлига 2022Колумбия. Примера А 2022Колумбия. Примера B 2022Коста-Рика. Примера дивизион 2022/2023Латвия. Высшая лига 2022Латвия. Первая лига 2022Литва. Лига A 2022Марокко. Ботола Про 2022/2023Золотой Кубок КОНКАКАФ 2021Кубок Либертадорес 2022Копа Судамерикана 2022Кубок Азии 2019Кубок Конфедераций 2017Лига Чемпионов КОНКАКАФ 2022Международный Кубок чемпионов 2019Мемориал Гранаткина 2019Отбор ЧМ-2022. АзияОтбор ЧМ-2022. LiveResult: Футбол онлайн, трансляции, результаты 13:45 Ювентус — Эмполи · 14:00 Аяччо — ПСЖ · 14:15 Порту — Бенфика. РОССИЯ; Лига Европы; Англия; Испания; Германия; Италия; Франция; «Ювентус» – «Эмполи»: прогноз на матч итальянской «Ювентус» – «Эмполи»: прогноз на матч итальянской Серии А 21 октября 2022 года, прямая трансляция, где смотреть онлайн бесплатно, прямой Примера дивизион 2022Германия. Вторая Бундеслига 2022/2023Германия. Третья лига 2022/2023Гондурас. Лига Насьональ 2022/2023Греция. Суперлига 2022/2023Грузия. Высшая Лига 2022Дания. Суперлига 2022/2023Дания. Первый дивизион 2022/2023Египет. Премьер-Лига 2022/2023Израиль. Первый дивизион 2022/2023Индия. Ай-Лига 2021/2022Индия. Суперлига 2022/2023Ирландия. Премьер-лига 2022Исландия. Высший дивизион 2022Исландия. Смотреть онлайн Матч! Футбол 1 HD - МегаФон ТВ Прямой эфир телеканала Матч! Футбол 1 HD в хорошем качестве. 09:45Лига Европы. Прямая трансляция. 16:05Чемпионат Италии. "Ювентус" - Примера 2022Уругвай. Сегунда 2022Уэльс. Премьер-лига 2022/2023Уэльс. Кимру Альянс 2022/2023Финляндия. Высшая лига 2022Финляндия. Первый дивизион 2022Франция. Лига 2 2022/2023Франция. Кубок 2021/2022Хорватия. Первая лига 2022/2023Чехия. Первая лига 2022/2023Чили. Примера дивизион 2022Чили. Примера B 2022Швейцария. Суперлига 2022/2023Швеция. Аллсвенскан 2022Швеция. Суперэттан 2022Шотландия. Премьер-лига 2022/2023Эстония. Высшая лига 2022ЮАР. Премьер-Лига 2022/2023Япония. Суперлига 2022Аргентина. Примера B Насьональ 2022Аргентина. Примера Б Метро 2022Аргентина. Примера C Метро 2022Армения. Премьер лига 2022/2023Беларусь. Кубок 2022/2023Бельгия. Про-Лига 2022/2023Бельгия. Вторая лига 2022/2023Болгария. Первая лига 2022/2023Болгария. Вторая лига 2022/2023Бразилия. Лига Баияно 2022Бразилия. Лига Гаушо 2022Бразилия. Лига Минейро 2022Бразилия. Серия А 2022Бразилия. Серия B 2022Бразилия. Серия С 2022Венгрия. Чемпионат I 2022/2023Венесуэла. АфрикаОтбор ЧМ-2022. КОНКАКАФОтбор ЧМ-2022. ОкеанияОтбор ЧМ-2022. Южная АмерикаТоварищеские матчи. Клубы 2022Товарищеские матчи. Сборные 2022Отбор Евро-2023 (до 21)Чемпионат мира 2019 (до 20)Мексика. Примера-Дивизион 2022/2023Молдова. Национальный дивизион 2022/2023Нидерланды. Первый дивизион 2022/2023Нидерланды. Кубок 2022/2023Никарагуа. Примера 2022/2023Норвегия. Высшая лига 2022Парагвай. Примера дивизион 2022Парагвай. Второй дивизион 2022Польша. Экстракласса 2022/2023Польша. Первый дивизион 2022/2023Португалия. Сегунда 2022/2023Португалия. Кубок 2022/2023Португалия. Кубок Лиги 2021/2022Россия. Вторая лига. Группа 1 2022/2023Россия. Группа 2 2022/2023Россия. Группа 3 2022/2023Россия. Ювентус - Эмполи: смотреть онлайн-трансляцию матча Смотреть онлайн-трансляцию матча Ювентус - Эмполи. Серия А - 11 тур, на, когда играет Ювентус - Эмполи. Трансляция со стадиона "Альянц Ювентус - Эмполи 21 октября 2022Россия. Премьер-Лига 2022/2023Лига чемпионов 2022/2023Лига Европы 2022/2023Лига Конференций 2022/2023Англия. Премьер-Лига 2022/2023Испания. Примера 2022/2023Италия. Серия А 2022/2023Германия. Бундеслига 2022/2023Россия. Кубок 2022/2023Франция. Лига 1 2022/2023Россия. Суперкубок 2022Суперкубок УЕФА 2022Англия. Суперкубок 2022Испания. Суперкубок 2022/2023Италия. Суперкубок 2022Германия. Суперкубок 2022Франция. Суперкубок 2022Португалия. Суперкубок 2022Нидерланды. Эредивизие 2022/2023Португалия. Эмполи сегодня: последние новости, трансферы 2022 Прямой эфир «Эмполи» - «Монца» пройдёт на телеканале «Матч! Футбол 1», онлайн трансляция начнется в Официально: «Ювентус» отдал в аренду своего Ювентус – Эмполи смотреть онлайн трансляцию 21.10.2022 Бесплатная прямая онлайн трансляция матча между Ювентус и Эмполи в Италия. Серия А. в сезоне 2022-2023, которая состоится Примейра 2022/2023Чемпионат мира 2022Отбор ЧМ-2022. ЕвропаЕвро-2020Лига Наций 2022/2023Англия. Кубок Английской Лиги 2022/2023Испания. Кубок 2022/2023Италия. Кубок 2022/2023Германия. Кубок 2022/2023Россия. Первая лига 2022/2023Украина. Премьер-Лига 2022/2023Беларусь. Высшая лига 2022Англия. Чемпионшип 2022/2023Кубок Америки 2021Олимпиада 2020Чемпионат Европы U21. Ювентус - Эмполи прямая трансляция 21.10.2022 смотреть На нашем сайте Вы можете посмотреть в прямом эфире матч Ювентус - Эмполи который пройдёт сегодня, 21 Октября 2022 Серия А - 2021Клубный чемпионат мира 2021Юношеская Лига УЕФА 2022/2023Кубок африканских наций 2021Отбор ЧМ-2022. Интерконтинентальный плей-оффКазахстан. Премьер-лига 2022Австралия. А-Лига 2022/2023Австрия. Бундеслига 2022/2023Австрия. Первая Лига 2022/2023Азербайджан. Премьер-лига 2022/2023Албания. Суперлига 2022/2023Англия. Лига Один 2022/2023Англия. Лига Два 2022/2023Аргентина. Серия А. Прямая трансляция. 21 октября 2022 | Sport Nation Прямой эфир Ювентус - Эмполи. Италия - Серия А. Футбол. 21 октября 2022 года состоится матч по футболу между командами Ювентус -
Гордей Абрамов
Oct 21, 2022
In Questions & Answers
40 goals per game in the previous 20 matches An average of 2. 50 goals per game in the previous 10 home matches BTTS Yes in 14 of the previous 20 matches BTTS Yes in 7 of the previous 10 home matches Over 2. 5 Goals in 8 of the previous 20 matches Over 2. 5 Goals in 4 of the previous 10 home matches An average of 0. 90 goals scored and 2. Atli Magnusson 16 Oct Superliga Viborg 0-0 Odense 09 Oct 1-1 Silkeborg 30 Sep AaB Aalborg 14 Oct Lyngby 0-2 07 Oct 02 Oct Brondby IF 3-3 We aim to bring you predicted lineups before the confirmed teams are announced. Get formations and substitutes as part of our Odense BK vs Lyngby lineups service. Injuries & Suspensions Get the lowdown on player injuries and suspensions thanks to our injury news section. Best Danish Superliga Betting Sites Match PreviewOdense drew 0-0 in their previous match against Viborg. They managed to have 55% possession in this Superliga match at Energi Viborg Arena. Lyngby lost 2-0 in their previous match when facing AaB in Superliga. They had five shots on target at Lyngby Stadion, recorded 51% possession and were awarded five corners. Sirens vs Zebbug, Soccer Live Stream & Results 21/10/2022 17:30Sirens vs Zebbug live streamingPremier League never ceases to amuse us. Watch the Sirens vs Zebbug live streaming on – it is sure to be exciting. At 21 October 2022, a free live stream of the match will begin. To watch the live stream, all you have to do is sign up for an account online. You'll be able to completely immerse yourself in the realm of sports combat after that. We'd like to extend our best wishes to you as well! We have also prepared a predictions for the game of Sirens vs Zebbug on 21 October 2022. It includes very important recommendations, thanks to which you will be able to correctly assess all the risks. We always take a responsible approach to the study of sports events. So we strongly recommend taking the time to study useful materials. Moreover, it won't take much time. Also, a large amount of statistical data is stored on our website especially for you. We know firsthand that many sports fans pay attention to the Sirens vs Zebbug H2H matches. 10 conceded in the previous 20 matches An average of 0. 80 goals scored and 2. 00 conceded in the previous 10 away matches An average of 3. 00 goals per game in the previous 20 matches An average of 2. 80 goals per game in the previous 10 away matches BTTS Yes in 10 of the previous 20 matches BTTS Yes in 5 of the previous 10 away matches Over 2. 5 Goals in 10 of the previous 20 matches Over 2. 5 Goals in 5 of the previous 10 away matches Corners An average of 4. 05 corners awarded and 4 corners conceded in the last 20 matches An average of 5. 4 corners awarded and 4. 2 corners against in the last 10 away matches An average of 10. 05 corners awarded in the last 20 matches An average of 9. 6 corners awarded in the last 10 away matches Had the most corners in 14 and least corners in 5 of the last 20 matches Had the most corners in 6 and least corners in 3 of the last 10 away matches Possession An average of 51% possession in the last 20 matches An average of 51% possession in the last 10 home matches Most possession in 14 of the last 20 matches Most possession in 7 of the last 10 home matches An average of 52% possession in the last 20 matches An average of 52% possession in the last 10 away matches Most possession in 9 of the last 20 matches Most possession in 4 of the last 10 away matches Top Scorers & Assists Top Scorers for Odense BK are Bashkim Kadrii (5), Mads Froekjaer-Jensen (3), Issam Jebali (2) Top Assistors for Odense BK are Bashkim Kadrii (3), Issam Jebali (2), Agon Mucolli (1) Top Scorers for Lyngby BK are Kasper Joergensen (3), Emil Nielsen (2), Mathias Kristensen (2) Top Assistors for Lyngby BK are Brian Hamalainen (3), Alfred Finnbogason (2), Adam Soerensen (1) Enjoy Danish Superliga live streaming on your mobile, laptop or tablet. For those wanting to back Lyngby BK, you will find 3. 50 about this outsider. If you want to bet on three goals or more, then Over 2. 5 Goals is the shortest odds. Punters expecting both teams to find the net can get 1. 61 when it comes to BTTS Yes. The football betting sites offer a Draw No Bet market for all Superliga matches and you can back Odense at 1. 50 and Lyngby at 2. 50. 45 corners awarded and 5. 4 corners conceded in the last 20 matches An average of 4. 8 corners awarded and 5. 1 corners against in the last 10 home matches An average of 9. 85 corners awarded in the last 20 matches An average of 9. 9 corners awarded in the last 10 home matches Had the most corners in 7 and least corners in 10 of the last 20 matches Had the most corners in 4 and least corners in 4 of the last 10 home matches An average of 6. It’s great to watch the latest matches through your online betting account, with customers able to access high definition streams. Fans love the opportunity to watch over 10, 000 football matches per year with the best bookies. Make sure you know the lineups ahead of kick-off, with injuries also playing a part when it comes to Odense BK vs Lyngby team news. Getting the player information you need is easy thanks to the Superliga squads. Starting Lineups Odense BK Predicted Lineup 4-2-3-1 Lyngby Predicted Lineup 3-4-1-2 1 Martin Hansen 14 Gustav Grubbe 4 Bjoern Paulsen 22 Mihajlo Ivancevic 16 Joergen Skjelvik 6 Jeppe Tverskov 5 Alasana Manneh 40 Yankubah Minteh 24 Armin Gigovic 29 M. Froekjaer-Jensen 7 Issam Jebali Mads Kikkenborg 23 Pascal Gregor 30 Marcel Roemer Lucas Hey 20 Kasper Joergensen 17 Adam Soerensen Magnus Westergaard 13 Casper Winther 97 Rezan Corlu 9 Mathias Kristensen 21 S. Odense BK vs Lyngby BK PredictionFree Odense BK vs Lyngby BK prediction. 19:00 Kick-Off, Friday 21 October at Nature Energy Park. Danish Superliga betting tips and football odds. Prediction Tips Preview Odds Stats Live Stream Team News Lineups Injuries Squads Table Odense BK vs Lyngby BK Prediction: Odense BK vs Lyngby BK Betting Tips: 1 Date: 19:00 Fri 21 Oct We’re heading to the Full-Time Result market and our betting prediction is for Odense BK to win. They have a strong chance of beating Lyngby BK and the 2. 10 makes plenty of appeal. Reasons for our Odense BK vs Lyngby BK prediction: Odense BK have not lost any of their last 5 matchesLyngby BK have failed to win any of their last 20 matchesLyngby BK have conceded 2 or more goals in 15 of their last 20 matchesLyngby BK have lost 14 of their past 20 matchesLyngby BK failed to score in 10 of their last 20 matches We are betting on the hosts in this Superliga game. Sirens vs Zebbug, Soccer Live Stream & Results 21/10/2022 Learn How to Watch Sirens vs Zebbug, Soccer Live Stream Online on 21 October 2022 17:30, See Match Results and Teams H2H Stats Odense BK´s last clash with Lyngby saw Odense BK win the game 2-0 at Lyngby Stadion. In their last 9 meetings, Odense BK have won seven, no draws and Lyngby have won two matches. Team Stats Odense BK Betting Stats Lyngby BK Betting Stats Full time Result 6 wins, 6 defeats and 8 draws in previous 20 matches 3 wins, 4 defeats and 3 draws in previous 10 home matches Full time Results 0 wins, 14 defeats and 6 draws in previous 20 matches 0 wins, 7 defeats and 3 draws in previous 10 away matches Goals An average of 1. 10 goals scored and 1. 30 conceded in the previous 20 matches An average of 1. 00 goals scored and 1. 50 conceded in the previous 10 home matches An average of 2. Malta. Premier League / Fixtures & Results / LiveTV LiveTV / Free Live Sport Streams Balzan Youths – Zebbug Rangers, Balzan Youths Sirens. 1 October, Saturday. Birkirkara – Valletta, You can back our tip at 2. 10 on the Full-Time Result market and we think this offers good value. If you want to back Odense BK for the win, you might consider taking them to be leading at half-time and full-time at a bigger price. Betting Tips: Odense BK vs Lyngby BK OUR TIPS Odense BK To Win @ 2. 10 Bet Now T&C apply. Gamble responsibly 18+ Betting Odds For this Superliga match, the leading bookies’ betting odds mean Odense BK are the 2. 10 favourite to win and that means a 48% chance of winning. Disagrees that Premier Championship has been increased to Sirens acquired the player Promise from Valletta in what should be a Żebbuġ have almost changed their squad to remain Valletta vs Sirens live stream, score and H2H - Valletta vs Sirens (Premier League) will kick off at 11:45 on 03 Sep 2022, in Ta'Qali at MFA Centenary Stadium. Live Sports Streaming. Valletta - Sirens.
Гордей Абрамов
Oct 21, 2022
In Questions & Answers
You will be able to watch Chennaiyin vs Goa live stream online here if we find an official live video for this fixture. If more than one live streaming option is available, all the required information will be shown on this page and you should be able to choose the best live stream. Please be aware that some live events might not show up because of country restrictions (based on your location). Chennaiyin - Goa video highlights will be posted after the match, featuring goals and notable match events from this fixture. We only show video highlights from official channels and you can safely embed all the videos found on scoreaxis. comChennaiyin - Goa PredictionIt is hard to predict the winner of this match, since both teams have somehow the same chances of winning. First team to score should be Goa, with 54% chances. Chennaiyin vs Goa | Indian Super League - OneFootball Watch the live stream of Chennaiyin vs Goa in the Indian Super League on The team scored 12 goals while conceding 8 goals (12-8). In away games, Goa scored an average of 2 goals per match and conceded 1. The team received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards, while the total number of fouls committed is 0. Goa's average team rating is 6. 33 per match. Ball possession is not so good for Goa, with an average of TBA% overall in this season. For more details, please look at Goa live scores, fixtures and resultsLive stream and TV broadcastChennaiyin vs Goa live TV broadcast can be seen on Arena Sport (Cro), STS. pl, bet365, bet365. nj, Chance, Tipsport, Tipsport SK. Chennaiyin FC vs FC Goa - football Event Tickets Book tickets online for Chennaiyin FC vs FC Goa, a football sport event happening in Chennai, on BookMyShow happening at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium: Chennaiyin beat the Gaurs in the first leg, for the first time in six games between the sides. Goals from Lucian Goian, Anirudh Thapa, Eli Sabia, and Lallianzuala Chhangte put Chennaiyin in command of the tie, in the first leg, before Gama gave Goa some hope. Chennaiyin FC wins: 7FC Goa wins: 9Draws: 1Recent FormHere's how both teams have fared in their last five games. ​FC GoaChennaiyin FC​​Chennaiyin 4-1 Goa (29/2)Chennaiyin 4-1 Goa (29/2)​​Jamshedpur 0-5 Goa (19/2)​NorthEast United 2-2 Chennaiyin (25/2)​Goa 5-2 Mumbai City (12/2)Mumbai City 0-1 Chennaiyin (21/2)​​Goa 4-1 Hyderabad (5/2)​ATK 1-3 Chennaiyin (16/2)​Odisha 2-4 Goa (29/1)Chennaiyin 0-0 Bengaluru FC (9/2)​ Goa rarely lose at home, but Chennaiyin are perfectly equipped to take advantage of the goals they scored in the first leg. However, the Gaurs are sure to go all out and play the most attacking style of football that they may not have done all season. FC Goa created history by topping the league stage. They are the first club set to play directly at the group stage of the prestigious Asian Champions League (ACL) from India -- a slot reserved for champion sides from each league stage. Where to Watch​When is Kick Off? Saturday, 7th March​​What time is Kick Off? 7:30 PM IST (GMT +5:30)​​Where is it Played? Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Fatorda, Goa​​TV Channel/Live Stream? Star Sports 2/HD & Hotstar and Jio TV​ Injury UpdateBoth teams have no unavailabilities due to suspensions or injuries, and that sets us up for a cracker at Fatorda. ISL Semi-final Preview: FC Goa vs Chennaiyin FC TV Telecast, Live Stream, Kick Off Time & Team Newsസൗവിക് ചക്രബര്‍ത്തി ഇനി ഈസ്റ്റ് ബംഗാളിന് വേണ്ടി കളിക്കും ​​FC Goa host Chennaiyin FC in the return leg of their ​Indian Super League (ISL) semi-final fixture at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Fatorda, Goa, on Saturday. Owen Coyle's team thumped the Gaurs 4-1 in the first leg, but Saviour Gama's away goal could yet prove pivotal in the tie. ISL 2022-23: Chennaiyin FC vs FC Goa prediction, preview The game begins at 7.30 PM IST. The game will be broadcast live on the Star Sports Network. The sport will also be televised live on Goa vs Chennaiyin FC H2H Stats Record & Results - Matchstat Goa vs Chennaiyin FC H2H stats, betting tips & odds. Watch Goa vs Chennaiyin FC live & check their rivalry & FC Goa v/s Chennaiyin FC, ISL 2018 semifinal: Time, online live streaming and where to watch on TVHosts FC Goa will take on Chennaiyin FC at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium on Saturday in the first leg of the second semifinal of the Indian Super League 2018. While Goa scored 30 points in 18 games this ISL season to finish at third, Chennaiyin FC scored 32 points in 18 games with only 4 losses to finish second. Both teams have reached the final of the tournament once before, and in fact squared off against each other in the final of the 2015 season. Brandon Fernandes and Hugo Boumous, who both missed the first leg in Chennai, have been training with the full Goa squad, and are expected to return to the starting XI, replacing Manvir Singh and Len Doungel. Edu Bedia, who had returned to Spain for a personal emergency, is also back in Goa, and gives Clifford Miranda another option in midfield. Predicted Lineups​FC GoaMohammad Nawaz, Carlos Pena, Seriton Fernandes, Mourtada Fall, Mandar Rao Dessai, Lenny Rodrigues, Ahmed Jahouh, Brandon Fernandes, Jackichand Singh, Hugo Boumous, Ferran Corominas​​Chennaiyin FC​Vishal Kaith, Jerry Lalrinzuala, Lucian Goian, Eli Sabia, Laldinliana Renthlei, Anirudh Thapa, Edwin Vanspaul, Lallianzuala Chhangte, Rafael Crivellaro, Andre Schembri, Nerijus Valskis Head-to-Head RecordThe two sides have faced each other 17 times (once in the India Super Cup), and Goa lead the head-to-head with nine wins. 86 per match. Chennaiyin somehow lacks the ability to keep the ball, having an average possession of 43. 50% in this seasonFor more details, please look at Chennaiyin live scores, fixtures and resultsGoa enters this match having won 1 matches of their last five (East Bengal) lost 3 (with ATK Mohun Bagan, Hyderabad, Mumbai City) while 1 fixtures ended in draws against Kerala Blasters. Chennaiyin vs Goa live stream, score and H2HChennaiyin - Goa Preview, Live Streaming and PredictionIn their previous matches, Chennaiyin won 1 games (ATK Mohun Bagan) and lost 3 (with Jamshedpur, Kerala Blasters, ATK Mohun Bagan) while 1 games ended in draws against Bengaluru. Chennaiyin managed to score 8 goals and conceded 6 goals (8-6). Chennaiyin scored an average 1. 5 goals per match in the current league season. In terms of discipline, the home team received 2 yellow cards and one red card, making 10. 00 fouls (average) in every match they've played. Chennaiyin's average team rating is 6. How to Watch Chennaiyin FC vs FC Goa, ISL 2021-22 Live How to Watch Chennaiyin FC vs FC Goa, ISL 2021-22 Live Streaming Online on Disney+ Hotstar? Get Free Live Telecast of Indian Super League ISL Live Streaming, FC Goa Vs Chennaiyin FC - Outlook India Live Streaming: Online streaming will be available on Disney+ Hotstar VIP and JioTV. All ISL 2020-21 matches will be shown live and can

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